n. 轻率, 不瞻前顾后
n the trait of acting rashly and without prudence
n the trait of giving little thought to danger
1. Well, not his rash, but because of his stupid rash, they took his temperature, and it's pointtwo degrees higher than it should be, so they sent him home.
其实不是他的疹子 但因为他有疹子 人家给他测了体温 结果比正常体温高了0.2度 所以他们就赶他回家了
2. I'm sending you an attachment of the rash.
3. And I rashly decided to strike out on my own with you.
4. It could cause them to do something rash.
这可能会 他们做出冲动之举
5. But I've never had a rash like this before.
6. It wasn't a rash decision. I agonized over it.
那不是草率行事 做这决定我很心痛
7. What is this rash? It's poison oak.
这皮疹是怎么来的 毒葛造成的
8. Very cool that we both have rash stories.
9. And protecting me from my rash decision.
10. If it's a rash, you go to the infirmary for that.
如果是皮疹 那就去医务室