
音标/读音 [.ænti'septik]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 抗菌剂, 防腐剂
a. 抗菌的, 防腐的

n. a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues
a. thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms
s. clean and honest
s. freeing from error or corruption



I... I think I need some antiseptic or something.

我 我觉得我需要点杀菌剂什么的

Let me put some ice and antiseptic on that.


Always comes back *elling like antiseptic or something.


Change the dressing once a day using antiseptic and a new gauze.

每天换一次药 用纱布涂上抗菌剂使用

Honey, with its antiseptic properties, should help soothe a sore throat.

蜂蜜有杀菌的作用 应该有助于润喉

Because the more hops you have in a beer, it's the bitter of the beer and also it's an antiseptic, so it keeps longer.

啤酒花含量越高 口感会越苦 同时啤酒花也是防腐剂 以便保存更长时间

Yeah, bleach is an antiseptic, but your brother should definitely not use it to clean his wound.

没错 漂白剂是有抗菌作用 但你弟弟绝对不该用它来 清理伤口

Well, if he *elled like antiseptic, he was probably disinfecting himself before he left the lab.

如果他聞起來有消毒水的味道 他很有可能是在離開實驗室的時候 對自己進行消毒

I'm going to turn the oil into an antiseptic ointment for cuts, grazes and burns.

我要把这罐精油做成抗菌软膏 用于刀口 擦伤和烧伤

If memory serves me, one is an element you find in antiseptic, and the other has to do with right angles, or hypotenuse something like that.

如果我没记错 一个是抗菌剂中的一种元素 另一个和直角有关 或者斜边 这之类的