
音标/读音 ['fræzl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. (使)磨损, (使)磨破, (使)破烂
n. 磨破, 破烂, 疲惫, 磨损的边缘

n. a state of extreme exhaustion
v. exhaust physically or emotionally


1. Just talking about her gets me all frazzled.


2. It frazzled me because of how quickly you have to move to take care of our travelers.

我们服务顾客要求高效灵活 搞得我筋疲力尽

3. Look at you, awake for ten seconds, and already frazzled.

看看你 才醒来十秒就已经烦躁不堪了

4. You both have seemed a little frazzled lately, so we thought some time away would be good for you.

你俩最近好像有点累 我们认为你们需要度个假 好好休息一下

5. Hey, look, I don't want to overstep my bounds or anything, man, but you seem really frazzled.

我并不是想多管闲事 但我觉得你很疲惫的样子

6. And a broken spacecraft sending out pulses of energy from the bottom of the ocean was enough to down and frazzle a returning space capsule.

一艘破损飞船 从海底发出脉冲能量 就足以击毁一艘返回的太空舱
