
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sy是什么意思

abbr. 平方码(square yard);石油天然气行业标准;叙利亚(Syria);苏丹黄(Sudan yellow)

imp. Saw.


1. Sy's always here when the conversations about money.

只要谈话涉及到钱 赛就得在场

2. Sy, after today, you're in the crew, even if it's just you and me.

赛 今天之后 你也是团队的人了 即使这个团队只有你和我

3. Sy disappears, and they'll never even know we conned them.

赛人间蒸发 他们也绝不会发现是我们下了套

4. Syed, we just received word that your wife and son were kidnapped.

赛义德 我们刚收到消息 你的妻儿被绑架了

5. Syed was responsible for murdering thousands during the civil war, and enslaving children as soldiers.

赛义德在内战时期 *了上千条人命 奴役儿童来当士兵
