
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 超感官的
[医] 感觉外的

a. seemingly outside normal sensory channels


1. Seriously? I'm really gonna need a hand with this, so let me know when things get extrasensory.

真的假的 这件案子我的确需要帮忙 你要是看到什么的话告诉我

2. I don't know much about trepanation, but I'm relatively certain that just because you drilled a hole in your own head, it doesn't mean you've somehow gifted yourself with extrasensory perception.

我不太了解环锯术 不过我很确定 往脑袋上钻个孔 并不能代表 你拥有了某种先知能力
