
音标/读音 ['herәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 鹭

n. grey or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill


1. They must avoid herons and carnivorous fish, too.


2. The feet they represent the heron feet. It is elegant.

他们的高跷代表苍鹭的脚 姿态优雅

3. The grey heron knows what will happen next.


4. They look for the blue heron because there's no way to see the fish.

他们找蓝鹭 因为没法看到鱼

5. It's been here so long that it's difficult to be sure exactly who its ancestors were, but they were probably herons.

由于年代久远 它们的祖先已不可考 但很可能是某种鹭

6. One morning we saw a heron swoop down and catch an eel.

一天早上 他看见一只鹭 冲进湖里抓到了一条鳗鱼

7. It's hard to know what the kagu is related to a heron, a rail, or maybe a pigeon.

很难确认鹭鹤的祖先 鹭 秧鸡 或者鸽子

8. The chicks would make a perfect snack for predators such as mink, heron and otters.

在貂 苍鹭 水獭等捕食者的眼里 这些小鸭子可是美味的小点心
