
bounty怎么读: 音标['baunti]
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◎ bounty是什么意思

n. 慷慨, 宽大, 礼物
[经] 奖励金, 补贴

n. payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military
n. generosity evidenced by a willingness to give freely
n. a ship of the British navy; in 1789 part of the crew mutinied against their commander William Bligh and set him afloat in an open boat


1. A bounty's a bounty, and the law's the law.

赏金就是赏金 法律就是法律

2. But I'm not out here for your bounties.


3. I know bounty hunters, and y'all ain't no bounty hunters.

我了解赏金猎人 你们才不是

4. Yeah, speaking of bounties, here are the five highestvalued bounties on the board.

说到皮质盘 这是悬赏排行榜上的前五名

5. There's a bounty for the crew that did this.

找出抢我们的那帮人 事成有奖

6. Now to have a bounty, it's excellent.

现在食物如此充足 太棒了

7. Don't flaunt your bountiful womb to me.


8. There are no bounty hunters here that I am aware of.


9. Not if I collect the bounty on you, fuzzball.

如果我先拿到你的赏金就不一定了 毛球

10. It is our honor to share our bounty with him.

