
sheathed怎么读: 音标[ʃi:θt]
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◎ sheathed是什么意思

雕塑像下半身包在鞘中的, 覆盖的, 铠装的, 装鞘了的

a. enclosed in a protective covering; sometimes used in combination


1. Sheath goes in the pocket of your pants, hooks catch on the fabric, hold the sheath in place when you draw.

可以放进裤子兜的护套 钩子连在布料上 拔的时候固定住护套

2. The bloke in the glasses is looking after all your sheaths.


3. The, vagus nerve which runs through the sheath.

迷走神经 神经穿过动脉鞘

4. You have to see this anterior rectus sheath contusion.


5. It's acting like a flexible conductive sheath.


6. The plastic sheathing on the calibration screw's missing.


7. The sheath by which he will penetrate this world, and seed its destruction.

他将洞察穿透这世界的徒有其表 埋下毁灭之种

8. The sheath is inscribed with special runes to protect him from the heat.

刀鞘上刻了特殊的符文 来保护他自己不会被灼伤

9. You will need it to cut through our exoskeletal sheath our our skin.

你得用这个来切开我们的外骨鞘 切开我们的皮肤

10. Her own immune system attacked the myelin sheaths around the nerves.

自身免疫系统 攻击了包裹神经的鞘套
