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◎ 单词释义


a. not frozen



I assumed that meant it was gotime and they've finally been unfrozen.

我还以为他们终于解冻资产 可以开工了

The first thing he does when he's unfrozen is start hunting the thing.

他苏醒后第一件事 就是开始搜寻那玩意儿

All I ask in return is a market rate on the loan until your assets are unfrozen.

我想要的是 你们的资产解冻后 按市场利率付我利息

A clean deposition is your one chance to keep your assets unfrozen and your ass out of federal prison.

干净的证词是你 解冻资产 以及免于牢狱之灾的 唯一机会

Well, his sentence just got reduced to time served, and as of today, he's a free man and his bank accounts are unfrozen.

他的刑期缩短到了已服刑期 从今天开始 他就自由了 而且他的银行账户解封了

A man who believes he'll win at trial sits calmly on the sideline for six months until his money is unfrozen, and then he prevails in court, goes on with his life.

一个坚信自己会赢得庭审的男人 会镇静地坐在一边旁观半年局势 直到他的资产解冻 然后在法庭上大杀四方 继续顺风顺水地生活