
bubonic怎么读: 音标[bju:'bɔnik]
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◎ bubonic是什么意思

[医] 腹股沟淋巴结炎的

a. of or evidencing buboes


1. According to some historians, it's a product of the bubonic plague.

根据一些历史学家的说法 这是应黑死病而生的产品

2. This is to meningitis what bubonic plague is to a runny nose.

它之于脑膜炎就像鼠疫 之于流鼻涕

3. It's been, like, two percent better than the bubonic plague.


4. In the 1300s, the bubonic plague killed over 20% of the humans on the globe.

14世纪 黑死病 杀死了全球20%的人类

5. He's hoping it's bubonic plague and says he wants to take that ride.

他希望是鼠疫 说他想就这么挂掉

6. I think it was something a bit like the bubonic plague or the black plague or something like that.

我觉得可能是某种类似导致淋巴腺鼠疫 或黑死病的东西

7. medical school memory, roughly a third to the half should be wiped out by the bubonic plague alone.

按照我的估计 大概三分之一到一半的畸变人会感染死亡 这只是被黑死病感染致死的
