
音标/读音 ['li:dә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 领导者, 社论, 指挥, 领袖, 领唱者, 前导字符
[计] 前导字符

n. a person who rules or guides or inspires others



I am your leader, the leader doesn't say the password.

我是你们的头儿 头儿不说密码

The leader who does not take advice is not a leader.

不接受建议的领袖 不是领袖

A leader who caves to fear is no leader at all.


A leader isn't a leader without any followers.


God, you are so busy trying not to be a cult leader, you're not being a leader at all.

你太执着于 让自己不那么像一个邪教领袖了 你完全没在做领袖了

Well, in the time of crisis, a group needs a leader, and you're that leader.

在危急时刻 一群人需要一个领袖 你就是那个领袖

I mean the dad, the tribal leader, speaking to the new king about being a good leader.

也就是上一任国王 他嘱托黑豹要成为一位优秀的领导者

No single leader can save a democracy, but without a leader you can trust, no democracy can be saved.

*不可能靠某一名领导人挽救 但没有受民众信任的领导人 *一定没救

He can turn a nation against its leaders, sway an election, incite a revolution; or, if he wishes, he can help those leaders maintain order.

他能让一个国家对抗他们的领袖 能左右选举 能煽动革命 或者 如果他想的话 他也能帮助那些领袖们维持秩序

Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from the racial onslaught of the pig who wishes to brutalize our black leaders, rape our women, and destroy our black communities.

我们的目的是保护我们的黑人领袖 免受警察的种族攻击 那些警察想要*我们的黑人领袖 *我们的女人 摧毁我们的黑人社区