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◎ goldmine是什么意思

n. 金矿, 成功的企业, 赢得巨利的活动

n. a good source of something that is desired
n. a mine where gold ore is found


1. This place is a goldmine. It's a certainty.

这地方就是个金矿 毫无疑问

2. It was a goldmine for a relative of mine and I covet it.

那是我亲戚的一座金矿 我买下它了

3. It's not going to be a goldmine like your parents' place.


4. What you people discovered is an even bigger goldmine than we ever thought possible.

你们所发现的事比我们想象中 更大的金矿

5. This place might look like a shithole but this depot's a *ing goldmine.

这个地方可能看起来像个狗窝 但其实这仓库是个大金矿

6. You know, if you added a couple of slots, table games, you'd have quite the little goldmine.

如果你添置几台* 桌牌游戏 你可就捧着金矿了

7. These paintings aren't fashionable, and they don't generally change hands for millions of pounds in auction rooms, but to me, they're a goldmine.

这些画作一点也不时髦 通常也不会以上百万英镑的价格 转手于各种拍卖会之间 但对我而言 它们都是无价之宝
