
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ spaciousness是什么意思

n. 宽广;宽敞

n spatial largeness and extensiveness (especially inside a building)


1. ...with a spacious backyard, perfect for kids.

宽敞的后院 很适合孩子们

2. Now, that is a very spacious, very accommodating place.


3. Either that or swimming in a spacious indoor pool.


4. We could send for the children, find more spacious lodgings.

我们把孩子接来 找个宽敞点的住处

5. Furthermore, I'd estimate they're as old as this rather spacious crypt.

另外 据我估计 这些遗骸和这宽敞的地下室年代相当

6. The living room's quite spacious as you can see.

起居室挺大 你也看到了

7. Yes, and as you can see, the hold is quite spacious.

没错 如你所见 它的船舱也很宽敞

8. With its spacious twin aisles, the 747 quickly became a success with the public.

因为它宽敞的两侧走道 747很快便赢得了公众的青睐

9. When you've lived in one room with a father and six brothers, anything is spacious.

和一位父亲及六个兄弟一起生活后 看哪都觉得宽敞

10. Look at this somewhat spacious kitchen with its... stateoftheart cabinets that open and close.

看看这个宽敞的厨房 有可以开关的顶级橱柜
