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音标: 英 [ˈbɑ:θru:m] 美 [ˈbæθru:m]

n. 浴室, 厕所

n. a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet


1. Not that I was in the bathroom. I wasn't even in the bathroom.

不是因为我参与其中 我甚至都不在那个厕所里

2. bathroom, another bathroom, and your breakfast nook.

浴室 另一个浴室 还有你们的早餐角

3. But he was in the bathroom for a while.


4. I went to the bathroom, and then and then I was going to the bathroom, and then a condom fell out of me.

我去了厕所 然后 然后我正准备开始尿 然后掉出了一个套套

5. If they want to go to the bathroom, you make sure it happens in the bathroom.

如果他们想去澡堂吃 你们就把饭拿到澡堂去

6. And, uh, I just need a bathroom like, a private bathroom.

我想去下卫生间 私人卫生间

7. I'm in a bathroom, man, ing nasty ass bathroom and it's grimy.

我在一个厕所 伙计 一个脏兮兮的厕所

8. I just went to the bathroom for a second, which isn't the most accessible bathroom I've ever been in.

我就去了一趟洗手间 那个厕所对残疾人不太友好

9. I want to knock down the dividing wall between the two bathrooms, and make one, big, beautiful bathroom.

我想把隔离墙推倒 打通两个浴室 打造成一间 宽敞又豪华的浴室

10. At the end of the night, she was cleaning up, she went into the bathroom and she saw that one of her colleagues had eared shit all over the bathroom wall.

那晚派对结束后 她在打扫 走进卫生间 发现她的某个同事把屎 糊了一墙



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

