
alison怎么读: 音标['ælisn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ alison是什么意思

n. 艾莉森(女子名)


1. Alison, you don't have to stand watch.

艾莉森 你不用站在那监视

2. Alison, you are having a baby tonight.

艾莉森 你今晚就要生了

3. Alison? I thought you were in the hospital.

艾莉森 我以为你在医院呢

4. Alison is the only chance that I have of getting out of here.


5. Alison is missing, so we're focusing on her.

艾莉森失踪了 所以我们关注点在她

6. Alison, go with him, so he doesn't hurt his knee.

艾莉森 去陪着他 别让他伤到膝盖了

7. Alison probably *ing killed herself because of what you did to her.

艾莉森的自殺 也許是因為你對她做的一切

8. Alison, if I don't do something, they're gonna convict me.

艾莉森 如果我再不做點什么 他們一定會判我有罪的

9. Alison isn't sorry about the way she treated anybody.


10. Alison, I'm a grown man. I know what I want.

艾莉森 我是个成年男人 我知道自己要什么
