
hafnium怎么读: 音标['hæfniәm]
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◎ hafnium是什么意思

n. 铪
[化] 铪

n. a grey tetravalent metallic element that resembles zirconium chemically and is found in zirconium minerals; used in filaments for its ready emission of electrons


1. Hafnium is a ductile metal with a high neutroncapture crosssection.

铪是一种延展性良好 具有强大中子捕获能力的金属

2. What's more, the size of the resulting blast would be approximately ten miles in diameter per hafnium gram.

另外 爆炸范围 是每克铪 直径十英里

3. Given today's events, it is interesting that hafnium can be made to release a bomblike charge when struck with a specific waveform.

对于今天的情况来讲 有趣的是 铪可以被制造成类似于炸弹的东西 可以由特定的波形引爆
