
音标/读音 [ˈdi:pənd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 变深, 加深( deepen的过去式和过去分词 ); 加浓

v make more intense, stronger, or more marked
v become more intense
v make deeper
v become deeper in tone



I'm focused on myself and deepening my male friendships.

我在专注于自己 并深化和男性的友谊

And any attempt to scare him would only deepen his suspicion further.

如果威吓他 只会进一步加深他的怀疑

Do not deepen it with mystery and obscured purpose.

可别再拐弯抹角 给我火上浇油

But I'd imagine that age deepens all feelings.


It strengthens and deepens the bond between you and the man who's to be your hu*and.

会加强你和 你丈夫之间的联系

It's a sacred herb we use to deepen our consciousness.


A specific dye was added to deepen the gray scale.


I will now deepen it to the base of the hernia intrusion.

我会再切深一些 切到疝气侵入的底部

Those concerns deepened as the rate of technological change continued to accelerate.

随着科技进步的持续加速 人们的忧虑也在不断加深

only deepened the yearnings of her heart to let it open to let someone in.

只是加深了她内心的渴望 希望自己能敞开心扉 让一个人进来