
landmine怎么读: 音标[ˈlændmaɪn]
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◎ landmine是什么意思

n. 地雷, 投伞水雷


1. But, wait, there could be landmines in the bushes.

等等 灌木里可能有地雷

2. During the war, the forest pathways were littered with landmines.

战争期间 林间小路上埋满了地雷

3. II'm willing to step on a few landmines, if that's what it takes.

即使冒着踩雷的风险 我也心甘情愿

4. And you nearly stepped on a landmine just now.


5. We locate old landmines, and detonate bombs, too.

我们搜寻老地雷 也引爆炸弹

6. I've made these landmines myself and it looks like it's malfunctioned.

这些地雷都是我造的 这个地雷看起来出故障了

7. Those explosions you hear are landmines being tripped by zombies who have ventured off the main thoroughfare.

你听到的声音 是被冒险离开主干道的僵尸 踩到的地雷的爆炸声

8. Justin said his unit marked a safe path through the landmines and checked out the cabin.

贾斯丁说他的小队在雷区里 标出了一条安全路线 去小木屋看过了

9. I've laid a whole lot of landmines around here, and you are going to step in all of them without my help.

我在這里埋了很多地雷 沒有我的幫助 你會引爆所有地雷
