
音标/读音 [bʌf]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 暗黄色, 暗黄色皮革, 人的皮肤
vt. 擦亮, 使柔软
a. 暗黄色的

n. a soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e.g. buffalo or oxen
n. bare skin; naked
n. an implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block; used for polishing (as in manicuring)
v. polish and make shiny



Buff, you're cutting yourself to pieces on it.

Buff 你会把自己弄伤的

I see you are a fitness buff like myself.


You know, you could just be a buff guy.


And here I thought your partner was the history buff.


I didn't know you were a fellow astronomy buff.


Buff, I can do it. I've done the training.

Buff 我能行的 我受过这种训练

Cybercafé on 25th. It's big with the buffs.

25大街的网吧 警用电台迷常去的地方

Nah, man, you... probably buff most of that out.

没有 你... 也许还能修好

Don't do this *artass film buff thing of yours.


My dad is pretty buff, I don't know.

那可不一定 我爸很厉害的