
音标/读音 ['seidʒli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 贤能地, 贤明地

r in a wise manner


1. Yeah, yeah. I thought the sage in there might actually reinforce the sage that you're putting in the pie anyway.

没问题 我认为这里面鼠尾草的味道可以 加强在派里面的鼠尾草的味道

2. I would just start off with just the plain verjus, and then you can try the sage one if you like, to see if the sage levels are going to be right for your dish.

我会从原味的开始品尝 如果你喜欢的话 接着可以试鼠尾草的 看看适不适合你的料理

3. I want her tasting of honeydew and sage.


4. The sage does come through, without being too powerful.

鼠尾草的味道的确出来了 也没有太过

5. I might have outgrown your sage advice.


6. And... sage to ward off restless spirits.


7. She used to burn sage during the sessions.


8. And a decent breakfast, on you for the sage advice.

吃顿饱饭 你请客 感谢我的妙语箴言

9. My gumbo was mixed with sage because he was wise.

我爷爷的骨灰和鼠尾草混合 因为他明智

10. You're going to need to sage off after you speak with her.

