
音标/读音 ['si:lskin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 海豹皮

n. a garment (as a jacket or coat or robe) made of sealskin


1. It's my sealskin, and it protects me from lightning strikes.

这是我的海豹皮衣 能让我不被雷劈

2. Me pa told the merrow that he wouldn't give her back her sealskins shows 'em where she stowed the treasure.

我爸对美人鱼说 只有她带他去水下世界 他才会把海豹皮还给她

3. Maybe a merrow in sealskins got caught in his nets and he's convinced her to give up her plunder from the shipwrecks.

或许他捕到了一只穿海豹皮的美人鱼 他说服了她 交出从沉船上掠夺的宝物

4. Me pa told the merrow that he wouldn't give her back her sealskins until she took him to the land under the waves, shows 'em where she stowed the treasure.

我爸对美人鱼说 只有她带他去水下世界 到他去她藏宝藏的地方 他才会把海豹皮还给她
