
dinghy怎么读: 音标['diŋ^i,'diŋi]
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◎ dinghy是什么意思

n. 小船, 橡皮筏, 小艇

n. a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled


1. Murr, I'm having issues with my dinghy.

穆仔 我的小艇有些问题

2. I'm the rising tide that raises all dinghies.


3. Some of us don't wanna hear about your little dinghy.


4. So I jumped into this little dinghy, and I was trying to row, and all of a sudden, it flipped over, and it started sinking.

我上了小艇 我想划 突然间 小艇翻了开始沉
