n. 节杖, 王权
vt. 拥登王位, 授与王权
n the imperial authority symbolized by a scepter
n a ceremonial or emblematic staff
1. What did I do with the sceptre, then? It's gone.
我拿着的权杖呢 怎么它不见了
2. I found this inscription on the sceptre.
3. We offer up the sceptres and the ring, to our one and mighty queen.
我们把这权杖和戒指 献给我们唯一的王后
4. Great things have happened to this country under the sceptres of her queens and you should be no exception.
在历代女王的执政之下 这个国家发生了很多伟大的事 您也不应例外
5. Thy place is filled, thy sceptre wrung from thee, thy balm washed off wherewith thou wast anointed.
你的王位被人占据 你的王杖被人夺走 额头上的油膏已被洗掉
6. The sceptre expresses something of the sovereign's military strength or authority, a baton of power, if you like, with the fact that it incorporates this, arguably, most important gem in the world, the largest flawless diamond in the world.
权杖某种程度上体现了君主的军事力量或权威 你也可以说它是一根权力指挥棒 因为它镶嵌着这块 可能是世界上最贵重的宝石 世界上最大的无暇钻石