
音标/读音 ['kʌrәnsi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 货币, 通货, 流通, 通用
[计] 货币, 货币型

n. the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used
n. general acceptance or use



"你最棒了" to make the player feel good about themselves, train the players to spend your fake currency, offer the players way to spend real currency for your fake currency so they'll forget their spending money.

奖赏 来让玩家自我感觉良好 训练玩家使用虚拟货币 邀请玩家使用真实货币 买进虚拟货币 他们就会忘记自己在花钱了

Blaine, I am putting the most valuable currency I have into this event, and that currency is my reputation.

布莱恩 我把我最有价值的东西 都赌在这事上了 那就是我的名誉

A currency they could call their own.


It's like any other currency, but it's digital.

和其它货币一样 只不过是电子化的

It is a currency I do not know how to spend.


In short, their currency is in jeopardy.

总之 他们的货币形势极其严峻

Few more of those, you'll be able to start your own currency.

再多幾塊 你就能發行自己的貨幣了

And your good reputation is your currency.


So, here are the programmers working on your currency.


It is the law that this government currency be money.
