
shrewd怎么读: 音标[ʃru:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ shrewd是什么意思

a. 精明的, 锐利的, 剧烈的, 机灵的, 厉害的

s marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
s used of persons


1. Because that bunny was a shrewd dude.


2. No, it's real, and you're shrewd to chase it.

不 是真的 你来非常精明

3. I'd be a fool not to go with the shrewd ones.

我如果不选精明的那个 那我就是个傻子

4. He made some shrewd trades around 9/11.


5. But, then, I'd expect nothing less from the shrewd little minx.

当然啦 我就知道这小狐狸够狡猾的

6. You're endorsing my brother, which shows your shrewd judge of character.

你为我弟背书 看来你眼光很准

7. But if we are shrewd and lucky, we might manage to slip past them all.

但如果我们小心点 运气好的话 也许能从他们眼皮子底下溜过去

8. He's young, shrewd and aggressive, and he's saying all the right things.

年轻 精明 很有干劲 而且他说的都是对的

9. It is a shrewd man that gets a pretzel vendor to do his dirty work for him.

他这个精明的家伙 找到椒盐卷饼贩子 为他干脏活

10. Had I a shrewd quartermaster right now, he would tell me that I can't let what you did stand.

如果现在我身边有个精明的舵手 他一定会跟我说就你的所作所为 我不能放过你
