中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [træn'sekt] 美 [træn'sekt]

vt. 横切, 横断

v. cut across or divide transversely


1. And artery and ureter and transect it.

还有动脉 输尿管 然后横切

2. It's a craniotomy and a facial nerve transection.

这是开颅手术 和面神经横断术

3. There's no transectional bruising in his spinal cord.


4. The spinal cord is being transected it could literally paralyze him.

他的脊椎断了 会让他瘫痪的

5. And the point of the then continued downward, transecting the carotid.

然后三角形的尖继续向下 切断了颈动脉

6. I will now transect the cortical tissues at the thalamus.

现在切断 丘脑的皮层组织

7. transected cortical tissue of the prefrontal cortex to the thalamus.

切断了前额皮质到丘脑的 皮层组织

8. Aside from the partial transection of the carotid, there was a pseudoaneury on the internal jugular.

颈动脉旁部分横断 这颈内静脉中里还有一个假性动脉瘤

9. In order for a weapon to have caused this injury, it would have had to transect the femoral artery first.

要造成这种伤口 凶器首先会切断股动脉

10. And whatever caused this wound would've had to first transect the right external carotid.

如果要造成这种伤口 那就一定得先横切右颈外动脉



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

