
音标/读音 ['dʒentli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 温和地, 温柔地, 轻轻地, 逐渐地

r. in a gradual manner
r. in a gentle manner



Ill or not, she was gentle, a gentle person.

不管她是否生病 她都是那么温柔的人啊

Some of them aren't as gentle as I am.


Three strokes gently to the left, then five strokes gently to the right.

左邊輕輕三下 然后右邊輕輕五下

Which is crazy because that's as though I gently jumped here or threw something gently in the air, and it accelerates off into space.

这很疯狂 因为这就相当于我跳起来 或是轻轻往上扔东西的时候 我们会加速进入太空

And he was so gentle with them, my parents.


They looked out for him, were gentle with him.

他们四处找他 很温和地对待他

I'm telling you, be gentle with my boy.

我告诉你 对我男人好点

He's pure, so you be gentle with my boy.

他很纯洁 所以你对我儿子温柔点

All right, let's lift him up gently.

好 我们把他轻轻抬起来

Follow gently in this, as you do in all things.

轻轻地随着我 和做别的事一样