
音标/读音 ['ɒmnibәs]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 公共汽车, 公共马车, 精选集, 汇编
a. 综合性的, 总括的, 作多种用途的

n. an anthology of articles on a related subject or an anthology of the works of a single author
s. providing for many things at once


1. May all our meetings take place on an abandoned omnibus.

在一辆被抛弃的的汽车上 举行我们的会议

2. The omnibus threw all classes together, an irresistible prospect for victorian artists.

公共汽车让所有阶层的人坐到了一起 这对维多利亚时期艺术家而言 是极为诱人的创作选材

3. Along with the train and the tube,omnibuses opened up great swathes of land for development.

公车 火车 地铁 共同成就了繁荣发展的城市

4. Before the invention of things like this, people really had to live within walking distance of their work, but once you had omnibuses shuttling in and out of town, people could live one place and work another.

在此项发明之前 人们的住处与工作地点间的距离 必须在步行可达范围之内 但自从有了公共班车往返于城内外 工作与居住可以分隔两地
