
音标/读音 [gri:v]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使悲伤
vi. 悲痛, 伤心

v. feel grief
v. cause to feel sorrow


1. Grieve the child you once were, grieve...the life you would've led.

哀悼曾经的孩童时光 哀悼...理想中的生活

2. What you went through, what you're still going through, you're allowed to grieve, you're supposed to grieve.

你经历过的事 你现在还在经历的事 你可以为它而悲伤 你应该悲伤

3. She was grieving, and she reached out to you.

她悲痛欲绝 向你伸出了手

4. I can't be around her when she's grieving.


5. Or that does not concern you? I grieve them all.

你一点都不在意吗 我为他们哀悼

6. And I'm sorry that I wasn't there to grieve her with you.

对不起 我当时没有陪你哀悼

7. He didn't push, because I was grieving so fantastically.

他没多问 因为当时我特别悲痛

8. You're grieving and here I am talking about my meeting.

你正伤心 我却大谈我的会议

9. All I did was pose as a grieving sister.


10. We are not here to be his shrink or to advise him on how to grieve.

我们不是要当他的心理辅导师 或是建议他如何抚平伤痛的
