
音标/读音 [sai'kaiәtrist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 精神病医生, 精神病学家
[医] 精神病学家

n. a physician who specializes in psychiatry



that I'm being persecuted by a psychiatrist for taking a medication prescribed by a psychiatrist.

是因为我服用了 一个精神科医生开出的处方药 却被另一个精神科医生找麻烦

I'm a consultant psychiatrist and we've had a number of psychiatrists on your journey in the last few weeks and over the years.

我是一名精神病学顾问 已经有一些精神科医生在你过去几周的行程中 甚至过去这些年中为你进行了治疗

Of course, part of the stress is that I can't tell my mother I'm seeing a psychiatrist, because she's a psychologist who hates psychiatrists.

其中一部分压力 就是我不能告诉我妈 我找了个精神医生 因为她是个讨厌精神医生的心理学家

And you're an internist, not a psychiatrist.

而你是内科医生 不是心理医生

It's not surprising at all. I'm a psychiatrist.

沒什么好驚訝的 我是精神病醫生

When you're the psychiatrist I want to be.


A psychiatrist. I need to consent to that.

精神科医生 这需要我同意

I told them you were a psychiatrist and where you trained.

我跟他们说了你是精神病医生 也说了你就读的学校

Covert because I was a cooperative psychiatrist.


He was seeing a psychiatrist for most of his life.
