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◎ 单词释义

n. 尼诺(男子名)



You've been naughty, so no shock for you, nino.

你那么淘气 就不给电咯 小宝贝

Nino, if he saw her, would have been entranced by her.

要是尼诺看到她 也会为她着迷

Nino had to eat breakfast on the terrace so as not to disturb you.

尼诺为了不打扰你 只能在露台上吃早餐

Nino, please, they're all really nice and there's this boy I really like.

尼诺 拜托 他们都是很好的人 那里面还有一个我很喜欢的男生

I would love to own a house like this filled with books, niños running around, music in the air.

我好想拥有一座这样的房子 满房的书 孩子们愉快地奔跑 放着音乐