
音标/读音 ['hɑ:bindʒә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 通告者, 预告者, 先驱, 预兆
vt. 预告, 充做...的前驱

n. something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone



The tattoos are a harbinger of what's to come.


And that popularity was a harbinger of what was to come.


And I believe, harbinger of a great evil.

我相信 这是一个*的预兆

It's a spirit being that arrives as a harbinger of death.

是的 它的灵魂就像一个死亡的预兆出现

The guardian tree, the harbinger of change.

它是守护之树 是变化的先兆

But you and I both know that pain is often the harbinger of progress.

但你和我都明白 疼痛往往是进步的前兆

It's certainly not one to be trusted as a harbinger of doom.


A harbinger of chaos brought to make this geezer pay.


I just worry that this manifesto really is a harbinger of something terrible.

我只是担心这个宣言 预示着会有坏事发生

I call upon you, ‭the bringer of justice, the harbinger of death.

我召唤你 正义的使者 死亡的信鸽