
class怎么读: 音标[klɑ:s]
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◎ class是什么意思

n. 班级, 阶级, 种类, 课
vt. 分类
[计] 类别; 类; 种类; 类程

n. a collection of things sharing a common attribute
n. a body of students who are taught together
n. people having the same social, economic, or educational status
n. a league ranked by quality


1. Is it? I wouldn't know. I wasn't there for that class, or a lot of other classes, actually.

是吗 我不知道 我那节课没上 其实好多课都没上

2. In these other universes, there might be physics students taking physics class but as well as learning different things in history class, they learn different things in physics class than physics students in our universe.

在这些其他宇宙中 也许有物理学学生正在上物理课 但就像在历史课上学习的会是不同的东西 他们在物理课上学习的东西也是和 我们的宇宙的物理学生学习的东西不同

3. Now I have to get to class, a class that we can't pay for, by the way.

我得去上课了 顺带一提 我们还付不起学费

4. There are 24 kids in my class, but there are two classes, so 48.

我们班有24个 有两个班 所以一共有48人

5. Yeah, see, not just a class, but the journey that is class.

你看 不只是一节课 而是这节课的旅程

6. Class four casualties in here, class three in the corridor.

四級傷員來這邊 *去走廊

7. We hope the class will be run *oothly by a class committee.

我们希望班级 可以由班委来更好地管理

8. Oh, I've taken a couple of zumba classes, but this is my first class here.

我以前学过尊巴舞 但我是第一次来这里上课

9. Not practical when you running around from class to class or lecturing to group.

当你东奔西跑连轴上课的时候 这就很不实用

10. Sorry live classes on sex, sex ed class.

抱歉 关于性 性知识的课堂教育



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

