
音标/读音 ['әuvә'stres]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 过载, 超载
[医] 紧张过度

v place special or excessive emphasis on


1. I was overstressed and not myself this morning.


2. Eventually those pathways get overstressed, and then they fail.

最终这些补偿方式会过载 并且失效

3. We need to isolate the muscles without overstressing them.

我们要分解肌肉 不能过度紧张

4. Which leaves fewer pathways, and then they'll get overstressed and then they fail.

然后可补偿的途径就会更少 然后再过载 然后再失效

5. Reading lists are available in the early weeks, and I cannot overstress this start reading early.

阅读清单会在前几周发下去 我再次强调 提早开始阅读

6. If you wanted to overstress the jackscrew, you would remove the tail plate and strip the threads on the vertical stabilizer nut.

如果你想让螺杆承压过重 你得把尾板移除 然后将垂直安定面螺母上的螺纹清除
