
meet怎么读: 音标[mi:t]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ meet是什么意思

n. 会, 集会
a. 适宜的, 合适的
vt. 遇见, 引见, 认识, 满足, 对付
vi. 相遇, 接触

n. a meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held
v. come together
v. get together socially or for a specific purpose
v. fill or meet a want or need


1. Give me a meeting with him after this meeting.

这个会议之后 安排我和他见面

2. I'll meet you in the... meet you in the office.

我等下... 去办公室见你

3. I'm not at the meeting 'cause you're not at the meeting.


4. No, he's not in a meeting. he hates meetings.

没有 他不会去开会 他讨厌开会

5. And what about the meeting? I'm doing the *ing meeting.

那会议呢 我会去参加的

6. When we meet with my client, I'm in the meeting.

要见我的客户 我必须得在场

7. Yeah, no, I'll meet you... I'll meet you there.

不 我们 我们就在那儿见

8. Residential real estate is when opportunity meets risk, meets ebb, meets flow.

住宅房地产 就是机会加风险加衰退加流动

9. You want to meet him, we're gonna meet him.

你想见他 我们就去见他

10. Okay, I do have a meeting, but I can meet you there after.

好吧 我真的有个会议 但是结束后可以来见你



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

