
plausible怎么读: 音标['plɒ:zibl]
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◎ plausible是什么意思

a. 貌似真实的, 貌似合理的, 说得煞有其事的
[法] 花言巧语的, 似乎有理的

a. apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
s. given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments


1. I could, but he has some plausible deniability.

我是可以 但是他还能合理推诿

2. You have to admit, it sounds plausible.

不得不承认 这听起来还是挺有道理的

3. I'm not saying that it's plausible, ma'am.

我并没有暗示其可信性 夫人

4. Not only is it plausible, it's it's, uh it's likely.

不仅仅是有可能的 这是 呃 这是可信的

5. It's the most plausible he's looked in weeks.

这是几周以来 他看起来最真实的一次

6. I can't think of a more plausible story.


7. It's not terribly likely, but it is plausible.

不是特别可信 但很有可能

8. There is a certain intuitive plausibility to this idea.


9. He needs someone plausible by his side.


10. I think we could call this one plausible.

