
route怎么读: 音标[ru:t]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ route是什么意思

n. 路径, 途径, 路线
vt. 确定路线, 按规定路线发送
[计] 传递, 路由设定程序

v. send documents or materials to appropriate destinations
v. send via a specific route
v. divert in a specified direction


1. The route of the north pole is 20% shorter than the standard northern sea route.

从北极通过的路线比 常规的北部沿海路线短百分之20

2. Payments for those, they led to routing numbers, and those routing numbers, they led to a shell corp.

由那些款项都能查到发送号码 从这些发送号码查到了一个空壳公司

3. But she can't be your route if you arrest her.

但是如果你逮捕她 她就不可能是你的渠道了

4. It would have been a rout. I was nervous.

那会是一场溃败 我很紧张

5. More ambos on route to your location.


6. But they're all based on ancient routes.


7. Jay, talk me through this route again.

杰 再把路线跟我说一遍

8. You stay where you are. I'm en route.

你就待在那儿 我这就过来

9. They're not taking a route I would have preferred.


10. It's the most exposed part of our route.

