
transpire怎么读: 音标[træn'spaiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ transpire是什么意思

vt. 使蒸发, 使排出
vi. 蒸发, 散发, 泄露

v. pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
v. exude water vapor
v. come to light; become known
v. come about, happen, or occur


1. The only surveillance that should've transpired is your own.

要去监视别人 而不是被人监视

2. Depends on what transpired in here, son.

这究竟是怎么回事 儿子

3. You have no idea who was present or what transpired.


4. Given what's transpired, I'm sure I need to be here.

正因为发生了这一切 我才更需要在这里

5. Everything that transpires in this office is my business.

这间办公室里发生的一切 都关我的事

6. No one knows what transpired in this meeting.


7. I require an explanation for what transpired today.


8. Although that has not transpired as of yet, admittedly.

虽然那还没有发生 不得不承认

9. Well, I knew what transpired in this house was important.

我知道在这间房子里 发生的事很重要

10. I'm not sure I understand after everything that's transpired, but I've heard.

虽然发生这些事之后我不能理解 但我听说了
