
cherub怎么读: 音标['tʃerәb]
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◎ cherub是什么意思

n. 二级天使, 小天使, 天真美丽的儿童

n. a sweet innocent baby
n. an angel of the second order whose gift is knowledge; usually portrayed as a winged child


1. I just remember you as a little blonde cherub.


2. And whilst you're there, give that cherub the faintest nudge.

然后当你说的时候 轻轻地推一下那个小美人

3. For a surcharge, ‭I'll even watch the cherub.

作为额外服务 我甚至能帮你看着这小姑娘

4. You're an innocent cherub with an enlarged heart full of gold.


5. Made his nephew look like a cherub even though he'd been a fortnight in the weir.

把他侄子化装成天使模样 他侄子可是在河浜里死了两个礼拜

6. A woman becomes a mother, she can't help but see her mortality in that cherubic little face.

当一个人女人成为母亲 在那张天使般无邪的脸庞上 她将无可避免地看见自身消亡的命运

7. Whoever paints the sweetest cherub will have the honor of having my name signed on their work.

谁能临摹出这个最可爱的小天使的话 就能很荣幸的在画作上得到我的签名
