
音标/读音 [bә:m]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 城墙与外濠间之狭道, 崖径

n. a narrow ledge or shelf typically at the top or bottom of a slope



But as you went further west, there was a break in the berm.

但再往西边走 边坡中间有个缺口

Your guy's, uh, up here, on the berm, here some pieces of him all over the floor.

你的人在 这里 护堤上 地上全是他的碎片

And the break in the berm was right on that conveyor road.


This large berm attached here wasn't in the original castle.

这边的大护栏 不在原来的城堡上

And then the way they exited was back over the berm or back to the break, back into the quarry.

而他们离开的路线是翻越边坡 或返回缺口 回到采石场

Have our people on the berm standto until we can find a better way to breach.

讓我們的人先原地待命 直到我們找到更好的突破口