
amble怎么读: 音标['æmbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ amble是什么意思

n. 马的缓行步态, 缓行漫步
vi. 马缓行, 从容漫步

n. a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)
v. walk leisurely


1. You can quit "ambling" and do your job.

你可以别再那么"从容" 好好工作

2. The ground was green when first we ambled conjoined.

我们第一次灵肉交合的时候 是那么从容愉悦

3. My daughter will be accompanied by her father as she ambles to the altar.

我女儿缓步走进婚礼殿堂时 应该由她爸爸陪伴

4. Well, I'm gonna amble down to the creek, take a sip of the cool water, contract a parasite, and diarrhea my brains out.

我要沿着小溪散个步 尝一下清凉的溪水 染上痢疾 拉肚子拉死自己
