
音标/读音 ['ni:grәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 黑人
a. 黑人的

s. relating to or characteristic of or being a member of the traditional racial division of mankind having brown to black pigmentation and tightly curled hair



You do realize that if you name that negro, the one that lacks the good sense not to shoot down a white man, and he fails, it would be a setback for the whole negro race.

你应该清楚 如果你任命了那个黑鬼 一个不明事理的黑人 不明白不能射击白人 而且还真的开了枪 这将会是整个黑人的挫折

Just this morning, a journalist from a local negro paper was in my office wanting to verify the shocking rumor that buell green was embarking on a groundbreaking, topsecret study exploring negro sexuality.

就在今天早上 当地一家黑人报纸的记者来我办公室 想要核实坊间的震撼传闻 那就是布尔格林医院正着手 开展一项有关黑人*的 具有开创性的绝密研究

Pop, they're calling me negro down here.

老爹 他们在这里叫我小黑哥

A negro and that warrant has no authority here.


You will refrain from any intercourse with the negro.


As one would expect at a negro hospital.

如今我们身处黑人医院 这也不足为奇

We should have included negroes in the study from the beginning.


But first, I owe you that negro spiritual.

但首先 我要给你唱黑人灵歌

The negroes have all gone, every one of them.

黑人们都走了 一个不剩

Well, a negro and that warrant has no authority here.
