
quivering怎么读: 音标['kwivәriŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ quivering是什么意思

a. 颤动的, 抖动的

n a shaky motion
n the act of vibrating
v shake with fast, tremulous movements
v move back and forth very rapidly
v move with or as if with a regular alternating motion


1. Before the sublime, the whole body quivers.

在庄严的艺术面前 我忍不住颤抖

2. It's a vital arrow in any actor's quiver.


3. You have one arrow in your quiver, and you just can't use it.

箭袋里只有一支箭 却被禁止使用

4. If we were really meeting as penguins, you would bow and quiver before me.

如果我们真的作为企鹅见面 你就会在我面前鞠躬颤抖

5. I can't wait to hear what she got to say to that quivering, cowering mess.

我真等不及听听 她会怎么数落那只瑟瑟发抖的病猫

6. Her erect head feathers and quivering wings are a very encouraging sign.

雌鸟直立的头羽和颤动的翅膀 是很有希望的迹象
