
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ reorganise是什么意思

vi.vt. 改组, 改革, 整顿, 整编, 改编

v organize anew, as after a setback
v organize anew


1. Everything you'd expect to find in a big temple is here, but reorganised and on a tiny scale.

所有在大型寺庙有的这里都有 只不过这里的规模较小

2. It's the ability of the brain to reorganise, and in some cases grow, in response to incoming information from the senses.

这是大脑重新组织的一种能力 在接收到的信息后 在某些情况下可以增强

3. Millions died in the gulags and then of course millions died when he tried to reorganise agriculture and there was a huge famine.

数百万人在古拉格死去 当然也有数百万人 在他尝试整顿农业时死去 当时发生了大规模饥荒

4. And you can see, this ball of cells has reorganised itself into something that looks a little bit more like a worm.

看以看到 这团细胞重新排列 其形态变得有点像线虫了

5. And they told us they have investigated the claims of sexual haras*ent, sacked several employees and reorganised tea estate management.

而且他们告诉我他们已经 调查了性骚扰事件 解雇了一些雇员 整顿了茶园

6. And we can see all these cell divisions going on and we're building up a ball of cells here, quite rapidly, and then, what's going to happen is, that ball of cells is going to reorganise itself into a threedimensional thing.

我们可以看到这些细胞正在* 很快就变成了一大团细胞 接着那团细胞 会重新排列 形成一个立体的东西
