
patriarchate怎么读: 音标['peitriɑ:kәt]
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◎ patriarchate是什么意思

n. 主教的职权

n. the jurisdiction of a patriarch


1. Which became a matriarchy in a patriarchal system.


2. That's a pretty patriarchal, oldfashioned attitude to have.

这种想法真是太大男子主义 太老套了

3. And then when the patriarch died, he was there to pick up the torch.

然后家长去世之后 他就继续接手了

4. Yeah, if you're talking about patriarchal society.


5. I'm the patriarch of this family, and I will provide.

我是一家之长 我来养家

6. Patriarchs perceive it as an act of love and mercy.


7. Yeah, on my own terms, not as some creepy patriarchal tradition.

但是我自己做主去 不是遵循什么诡异的男子主义传统

8. Our ranks expand, thanks to the work of our patriarch.

多亏了我们的族长 我们的活动范围更大了

9. Every family needs a matriarch and a patriarch.

每个家庭 都需要两位家长

10. And you should be careful perpetuating oldfashioned patriarchal ideology.

你该小心点 老掉牙的重男轻女价值观
