
音标/读音 ['limbik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 缘的

a. of or relating to or forming a limbus



I thought you skimped on the limbic system there.


It's the cingulate gyrus, part of the limbic system.

那是扣带皮层 大脑边缘系统的一部分

The limbic system is vestigial, and yet his is substantially enlarged.

我们的边缘系统已经退化 但他的却大幅扩大

And then the olfactory information goes straight into the limbic system.

然后嗅觉信息直接传到 大脑边缘系统

They're methamphetamine users, so it's likely the limbic systems in their brains have been damaged.

他们吸食冰毒 所以很可能 他们大脑的边缘系统已受损

And as you can see, there are now abnormalities in the limbic and paralimbic areas.

我们可以看到 在边缘区域出现了异常

The questions were designed to define the operational parameters of his limbic system.

那些问题是专门设计 用以确定他边缘系统的功能参数

But if we can stop the virus before it hits the limbic brain, she won't turn.

但如果能在病毒入侵大脑边缘系统前阻止它 她就不会转化

That's when the limbic system is developed enough to fully process risk.

那时大脑边缘系统才会完全发育好 可以全面处理危险情况

It may feel like our emotions are down here, but they're really up here, knocking around our limbic systems.

可能我们以为情感在心脏处 但其实却在大脑里 在边缘系统里游回