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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 束缚(fetter的过去分词形式)

s. bound by chains fastened around the ankles



And can I say, I am not fettered by previous political obligations.

而且我还要补充一点 我绝不会被之前的 *责任所束缚

I've cultivated a healthy hatred for governments and rules and all the incumbent fetters.

我對政府 對規定以及各種各樣的束縛 非常的不滿

Grant attempts all four tasks to give us an unimpaired baseline before we fetter his faculties.

格兰特要在清醒时接受试验 建立正常数据 以供参考对照

I am no longer fettered by the necessity to visit stinky malls and rub shoulders with the great unwashed.

我不用再受必须出门购物的束缚 在脏乱的商场和下层民众摩肩接踵