
音标/读音 ['pɒtәri]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 陶器, 陶器厂
[化] 陶器

n. ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln
n. the craft of making earthenware
n. a workshop where clayware is made



And that's the same lamp that we borrowed from pottery barn.


They are the same age as the oldestknown pottery in the world.


It's all batiks and carved giraffes and pottery.

都是蜡染布 木雕长颈鹿和陶器

She chose pottery class over your birthday.


Your bedroom was going to be my pottery studio.


I teased out something very fabulous from your pottery there.

我从你那个陶器里 找到很棒的东西

See a movie or take a pottery class.

看看电影 或者上上陶艺课

I'm sorry, I thought we were gonna be selling pottery.

抱歉 我还以为我们打算卖陶器呢

Some broken pottery, a couple shots fired.

打坏了一些陶器 还有人放了几枪

I have given you my life, my body, and my pottery studio.

我为你们放弃了我的生活 我的身材 我的陶器工作室