
音标/读音 ['mu:nlis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 无月亮的

a. without a moon or a visible moon



On moonless nights, the pack would normally rest up somewhere safe until dawn.

月黑风高夜 狼群通常会找安全地点 休息到天亮

I can see clearly on a moonless night, while you cling to your flashlight as soon as the sun goes down.

我能在没有月亮的晚上看得一清二楚 而太阳落了 你们就只能依靠手电筒

And on moonless nights, the witch takes the form of a black cat with imps suckling her many teats.

在没有月亮的夜晚 那个女巫会变成一只黑猫 用她的*喂养小魔鬼

Uh, no one has ever written to tell me what wild animal they'd like to see me lose a fight to or that I am as frigid as a moonless, arctic night.

从没有人写信告诉我 他们想看到我和哪种野兽搏斗后惨败 或是我和北极没有月亮的夜晚一样冰冷