
音标/读音 ['hændikæp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 障碍, 困难, 不利条件
vt. 加障碍于, 妨碍

n. advantage given to a competitor to equalize chances of winning
v. attempt to forecast the winner (especially in a horse race) and assign odds for or against a contestant
v. put at a disadvantage



No, because it is illegal to discriminate against someone who is handicapped, and II am handicapped.

不会 因为歧视 一个有生理缺陷的人是违法的 而我就有生理缺陷

In some ways, my intelligence is a handicap.

从某些程度上讲 我的智商是一种残疾

They did not tell me that you were going to be handicapped.


I've had my handicap for about three days now.


Wait. I bet there's a handicapped entrance.

等等 肯定有残疾人入口的

Which also means she has a handicap placard.


I completely get it. I had a handicapped placard once.

我完全理解 我有一次搞到一张残障人士停车牌

All you have to do is get your own wheelchair and you can earn a handicap.

你只要有自己的轮椅 就能得到一顶残障帽

I parked in a handicapped spot. I hope that's okay.

我把车停残疾人车位了 但愿没事

I parked in the handicap spot because I was running late.

我把车停在了残疾人停车位 因为快迟到了